Wednesday, 31 May 2017


Destiny can be said to be  predetermined via  course of event(s) with regard to the finality of event(s) as they have worked themselves out. 
(From the definition above, one can forecast that destiny  is a like a book full of events that should be open from page to page).
It will interest you to know that every man/woman created have a destiny to fulfill, but in accordance to the pages of the(Destiny) book which must be open individually. The difference is on the time duration ( specifically on when, how and where) based on individuals’ and  of what purpose is intended to achieve on each turnover of a page. You must also know that you can’t open the book of your destiny by mere words of mouth or laziness. And you can change your destiny to what you desire only via hard work(not hard labour), faith and prayers, even God places a premium on his children who are ready to align their words, actions, thoughts to his standard.

If you must know, sluggish and lazy individuals cannot open or attract the answers or solutions contains in their book of destiny. It is very heartbreaking that people hide under the umbrella of religion to shy away from the responsibility of opening this great book, while some on the other hand uses age ,status etc as an excuse.
Note this; the force you gave in now will determine how the events in each page of the book in future will flow. It is a give and take thing, what you sow today is what you will reap tomorrow. 
Destiny fulfillment is not an in born thing or hereditary rather is a call for hard work, grace and faith in God.
If you give room for sluggishness, laziness or procrastination in your destiny pursuit, know that the other rooms belong to failure, poverty and death etc, because a man or woman of that nature is a living dead. It’s a pitiful situation when you see most older people around living in a failed destiny due to their nonchalant attitude towards opportunities that came their way[ you know most times opportunities that will open the pages of the book of our destiny usually come as a big work ]. They forgot that power look out for what you do (work) not what you wish. Because dream/vision without work is a mere fantasy that does not hold water, it is like going to the river to fetch water with basket. "Power and the ability does not come until you start doing something" Be creative to be productive!

I can give you so many reasons why I should give up in Life but....

Monday, 15 May 2017


If you give up too easily, write this down and read it daily
Code of Persistence for Attitude Application

1. I will never give up so long as I know I am right.
2. I will believe that all things will work out for me if I hang on until the end.
3. I will be courageous and undismayed in the face of odds.
4. I will not permit anyone to intimidate me or deter me from my goals.
5. I will fight to overcome all physical handicaps and set  backs.
6. I will try again and again and yet again to accomplished what I desired.
7. I will take new faith and resolution from the knowledge that all successful men and women have had to fight defeat and adversity.
8. I will never surrender to discouragement or despair no matter what seeming obstacles may confront you.